Full List of Action Commands
- !timeS - Start at exactly time if in hh:mm form, or after n seconds.
- !timeSQ - Start Quickly at approximately time if in hh:mm form, or after n seconds.
- !timeE - End at time if in hh:mm form, or after n seconds.
- !timeR - Repeat the whole command.
- !timeRx - H11-13 Repeat the command starting at position x (i.e. a goto command).
- !timeN - No Action until exact time, useful if you just need a pause.
- !timeNQ - No Action until at approximately time.
- !timeO - Off, shutdown the camera.
- !timeOR - shutdown and restart the camera.
- !timeU - Attempt a network contention and Upload 9/10/11.
- !timeW - Connect to a network, requires JOIN metadata to have been previous stored 9/10/11.
- !timeG(S or M or L)(C) - Start Live-streaming, S - 480p, M - 720p, L - 1080p, optional C for capture a local file, requires a previously successful !W command 8/9/10/11
- !timeDx - H10-11 !Dx wait for GPS lock with a DOP less than x, then sync time. For time only locks !D is fine.
- !timeTR - H11-13 *!TR - switch active TimeWarp to Realtime (or slow motion)
- !timeTN - H11-13 *!TN - switch active TimeWarp to Normal (speed-up timelapse mode)
- !timeBx - H11-13 Beeps and Blinks, !B - Blink once, !B0 - Beep once, !B1 - Blink+Beep once, !B2 - Blink+Beep twice
- !timeZx - H10-13 !Z3 - mute both buttons, !Z2 - mute only mode, !Z1 - mute only shutter, !Z0 - unmutes both
- !timeX - H10-13/MAX Exit script.
- !timeCx - H10-13 Up to x GBs to make sure is clear on the SD card. e.f !C16 - clears up to 16GB. If more than x is available, no files are removed. x is limited to half SD size. Deletes the oldest media first.
Capture Triggers (Classic, invent your own below.)
- !timeSMs-t - Start Motion detection with start sensitivity ‘s’ and stop sensitivity ‘t’ – ‘t’ field is optional.
- !timeSMsDdMmHh - Start Motion detection with sensitivity ‘s’, Delay of ‘d’, Mask of ‘m’ and Hold for ‘h’ seconds (D,M and H fields are all optional.)
- !timeSKs-t - Start Speed capture at threshold ‘s’ km/h and stop at ‘t’ km/h – ‘t’ field is optional.
- !timeSKsHh - Start Speed capture at threshold ‘s’ km/h and Hold for ‘h’ seconds (H fields are all optional.)
- !timeSAs-tDdHh - Accelerometer Trigger
- !timeSGs-tDdHh - Gyro Trigger
- !timeSIs-tDdHh - IMU Trigger (both Accelerometer and Gyro)
- !timeSDs-tDdHh - Speed Pressure Level Trigger, ‘s’ and ‘t’ values are in dB.
- !S - start now
- !07:00S - start at precisely 7am
- !300SQ - start in approximately 300 seconds.
- !60E - end after 60 seconds (End commands are not used for photos.)
- !2R - repeat after 2 seconds
- !s-01:00S - start one hour before sunset
- !nS - start at true noon.
- !s1200E - end 1200 seconds after sunset
- !r-600S - start 600 seconds before sunrise
- !17:00W!GLC - start Live-streaming 1080p at 5pm, saving a local copy
Storing metadata (Permanent, survives power off)
Old style (firmware released before March, ‘24)
- !Mfourcc=
"string" - !Mfourcc=Number metadata (comma separated)
New style (after March, ‘24)
- *fourcc=
"string" - *fourcc=Number metadata (comma separated)
Example for display the owner’s name
Note: All strings must use
All tags between OWNA and OWNZ will be displayed and stored in GoPro-owner.txt.
All tags between OWNa and OWNz will be only stored in the GoPro-owner.txt
Any four character code can be used for store other information. You can also store numeric data examples:
- *CAMR=53 - metadata CAMR will be 53
- *ABCD=45.234 - metadata ABCD will be floating point 45.234
- *UNIT=-1723 - metadata UNIT will be -1723
- *LLTZ=32.707,-117.1576,-7 - set camera location (GPS off) with Latt/Long/TimeZone
Storing metadata (Temporarily, until power off)
Old style (firmware released before March, ‘24)
- oMfourcc=
"string" - oMfourcc=Number metadata (comma separated)
New style (after March, ‘24)
- $fourcc=
"string" - $fourcc=Number metadata (comma separated)
Macro support (since March, ‘24)
Added support for macros, or crude scripting subroutines. This expands the potential complexity for QR scripting, as the entire script is no longer limited to 255 characters. It would be possible to run scripts nearing ~1.2KB. Note: recursion is supported, macros can call other macros, and can call themselves.
Macros are saved in string FourCCs:
- $fourcc=
"custom Labs commands" (temporary) - *fourcc=
"custom Labs commands" (permanent)
Example: This macro calculates the Light Value and stores the result in variable E
e.g. *SUBA=”mVr4p60’60p’!S!2E!1N” Note: Use single quotes for text within double quotes.
In a separate QR Code will call LVAL and display the result
Note: for Macros that print output use single quotes for text within.
Reset Actions
- !RESET!1OR - erase all your permanent metadata (anything that used !Mxxxx command.) Then Reboot. (requires user confirmation.)
- !FORMATH10-13 - for SD formatting via QR Code (requires user confirmation.)
- !FRESETH10-13 - Factory reset, erase everything, except QR code metadata (requires user confirmation.)
- !PRESETH10-13 - Presets reset, restore the default presets (requires user confirmation.)
- !WRESETH10-13 - WiFi Credentials reset, erase all your BLE and WiFi configurations (requires user confirmation.)
The geek factor is highest in this section. This is not a Turing-complete language, but it can get many interesting capture control jobs done. There are save and load commands, additive metadata and clock time conditionals
- !SAVEname=script e.g. !SAVEdaily=dPmP!12:00S!Ldaily - a save script called ‘daily’ that repeatedly shots one photo every day at noon.
- !Lname e.g. !LnightLapse - load and run a script called nightLapse
- oAxxxx=1 e.g. oAMETA=1 – to implement a basic counter in metadata
"any text" e.g. mV"Video Mode" !S!5E!4NmP"Photo Mode" !S!5R - this will display"Video Mode" and "Photo Mode" when switch to those modes.
Conditionals Based on Time
< , > and == characters are used to indicate a conditional: less than, greater than equal, and equal (== Since March 2024 firmware)
<08:45!S is equivalent to
if(current_time < 8:45)
>18:30!R is equivalent to
if(current_time >= 18:30)
==10:10!R is equivalent to
if(current_time == 10:10)
The if condition defaults to effecting only the one command after the condition
if(current_time < 8:45)
Start"Hello World"
The start will happen if the condition is true, but the print message occurs whether true or false. To make the print also part of the true state you can use + between the joined commands.
if(current_time < 8:45)
Start"Hello World"
These can be stacked too, e.g. <08:45!S+
if(current_time < 8:45)
Start"Hello World"
After 60 seconds End the capture
Conditions support else statements using the ~ character after the last ‘true’ command
if(current_time < 8:45)
Start"Hello World"
After 60 seconds End the capture
Sleep until 8:44 the next day
Conditionals themselves can be stacked like >09:15<10:00!S is equivalent to
if(current_time >= 9:15)
if(current_time <= 10:00)
However the else can only be applied to the last condition. >09:15<10:00!S+
if(current_time >= 9:15)
if(current_time <= 10:00)
Start"Hello World"
After 60 seconds End the capture
Sleep until 9:30 the next day
The command language is kept simple, so it doesn’t maintain a stack on the conditional nesting.
Conditionals Based on Camera Status (HERO10-13)
New conditional commands for 2023. Now >xValue and/or <xValue and/or ==xValue can be used to test camera states, where ‘x’ is the camera state to test, and Value the amount to test against:
- a accelerationValue - >aValueCMD if(acceleration > Value) then CMD, units in Gs
- b batteryLevel - >bValueCMD if(battery > Value) then CMD, units in percentage
- c coordDistance - >cDistCMD then CMD, units in meters, compare distance from initial GPS location
- c:X coord[A-Z]Distance - >c:XDistCMD There are up to 26 pre-stored GPS locations oMFRMA=latt,long thru oMFRMZ. If nothing is store in FRMx, it will initialize with the current location.
- d GPS DOP - <dValueCMD - if(DOP < Value) then CMD, units in 100x DOP. GPS location precision.
- e random - <eValueCMD <e50 - 50% true <e90 - 90% true.
- g gyroValue - >gValueCMD if(gryo > Value) CMD, numbers are in degrees per second.
- h heightValue - >hValueCMD if(height > Value) CMD, numbers are in meters above sealevel.
- i isoValue - >iValueCMD - testing ISO where ISO ranges from 100 to 6400
- k speedValue - >kValueCMD if(gps Speed > Value) CMD e.g. >k45!S, numbers are in km/h.
- l loop_countValue - <lValueCMD if(loop_count < Value) CMD e.g. <l45!R, this is the loop count for !R repeat, since last QR scan or boot.
- m motionValue - <mValueCMD if(motion < Value) CMD Motion value is a percentage of pixels moving e.g. >m5!S+60E!R, this look of motion greater than 5%, and record for 60seconds when detected.
- m:X motion[A-Z]Value - <m:A through <m:Z adjusts the sensitivity of the detector, the above is the equivalent <m:J. ‘A’ is very low sensitivity, only large pixel changes detected, ‘Z’ tiniest change detected.
- p soundpressureValue - >pValueCMD if(spl > Value) CMD, numbers are in dB
- r recording - >r0CMD1~CMD2 if(Recording > 0) then CMD1 else CMD2
- r:C remote Connected - >r:C0CMD1~CMD2 if(RC_Connected) then CMD1 else CMD2
- r:A remote App Connected - >r:A0CMD1~CMD2 if(App_Connected) then CMD1 else CMD2
- s shutterValue - >sValueCMD - testing shutter, where 1/Value is used for shutter speed
- t:X timedate - >t:XValueCMD - where X Y-Year M-Month D-Day H-Hour N-miNute S-second W-day_of_the_Week B-seconds_since_Boot Q-seconds_since_Qrcode
- u USB power - >u0CMD1~CMD2 if(power is on USB) then CMD1 else CMD2
- v Current Camera Mode - ==vValueCMD video=12, TLV=13, Looping Video=15, Photo=16, Night Photo=18, Burst Photo=19, etc. Example: ==v12!S will start recording video if in Video Mode. ==v16!S will take a photo if in Photo Mode.
- y mode_pressesValue - >y0CMD1~CMD2 if(mode_presses > 0) then CMD1 else CMD2
- z shutter_pressesValue - >z0CMD1~CMD2 if(shutter_presses > 0) then CMD1 else CMD2
Assignments, Variables and Math (HERO10-13)
QR Command scripts can include variables and operation on them. Why? Fun maybe? More power, for sure! A complete program in a QR Code.
As ‘a’ to ‘z’ and system system fields, ‘A’ to ‘Z’ are the variable can contain any floating point number. This new variables are all initialized to zero, and can be tested with the ‘<’ and ‘>’ conditionals. To make them non-zero, they can be assign with and ‘=’ command. Just like with conditions and action, the ‘=’ character is the command delimiter and comes first.
=A5 is the command variable A = 5.
=P3.14159265 assigns Pi to variable P.
Now math can be used to modify your variables.
- =A+1.4 adds in form A = A + 1.4
- =D-2 subtraction D = D - 2 (note: assignments of negative numbers aren’t support, but subtracting is. So =D0=D-2 would initialize D to be -2, although =D0 is unnecessary as all variable are initialize to zero at boot.)
- =A*P multiply A = A * P
- =E/7 divide E = E / 7
- =H^A raised to a power H = H ^ A
- =F^0.5 raised to a power F = sqrt(F)
- =B%10 modulus B = B % 10
- =G#2 Log base N G = log(G)/log(2)
- =J&6 Bitwise AND like J = (float)((int)J & 6)
- =K|3 Bitwise OR K = (float)((int)K | 3)
There should be a prize if some can come up with a practical use for all of these ;)
So if thought the above is crazy, it gets weirder.
- =B$BITR load the contents of the BITR (bitrate) hack into variable B, otherwise store zero. So you can test if a feature is enabled.
- =Tt:W load the day of the week into variable T
- =Di load the current ISO value into variable D
- $EVBS=E store the current into EV Bias hack, so you can make a variable mess with your exposure (potentially mid capture.)
- *VarC=C permanently store the current variable C into metadata field VarC, so this can be read back on next boot.
- !$AR delay an action (like !R) with a variable amount of time, e.g. this will loop forever, doubling the sleep time with each interaction =A$VARA<A1=A1=A*2!MVARA=A!$AR
Why Add Math to QR codes
You the user can have very particular shooting needs, this improves the robustness of Labs to cover a wider range of automatic captures. And is it cool. ;)
Say you want use a GoPro as a crude light meter, and report the output as an exposure value, then make capture decision based on that EV value.
EV = logbase2 (f-number^2/(time x gain_above_base_iso)) is the formula for EV
As a QR command: =E6.25=Gi=G*0.01=E/G=E*s=E#2
Command steps explained:
G=ISO value
E=E*shutter value (1/s)
print E
Experiment Here
Typing-in Your Custom Action:
Custom Mode:
updated: September 10, 2024