Add an Overlay to Video
This is more for security applications like a dash cam setup, or education environments where student projects are pre-labeled, rather than for creative applications, as it will modify the video image with text that can’t be removed.
If either horizontal or vertical size is zero, the size will be computed automatically.
Overlay vertical size 40
Overlay horizontal size 0
Offset from the edge 10
Limit display time unlimited
Note: All text box support \n for a new line.
Any start message here:
Add Date with format Remove by emptying this field.
- yy - year in two digit format
- yyyy - year in four digit format
- mm - month (1-12)
- dd - day (1-31)
Add Time with format Remove by emptying this field.
- HH - Hour
- MM - Minute
- SS - Second
- aa - am/pm (also switches off 24 hour time)
- AA - AM/PM (also switches off 24 hour time)
Display Metadata (experimental)
Note: * These features require the GPS to be enabled. If combined with Livestreaming, you will need to record a local copy for these features to display correctly.
Any end message here:
Screen Placement
GPS On or Off
Share this QR Code as a URL:
Make the overlay permanently active: Are you sure? (Risky)
QR Command: time
Cool Tips:
- Metadata overlays work great with live-streaming. This was its original intended function.
- Overlays can be changed mid capture, it is one of the few modes that QR Code reading is defaulted to active while recording. Example use: When live streaming an endurance auto-race, you can change the driver name on the overlay during driver change pit-stops.
- A range (not all) of GoPro metadata can be displayed in their stored units, so speed is in meters/sec, not MPH. For more technical information on GoPro’s GPMF Metadata and other metadata you can display.
Known Issues:
- HERO10-13 support is limited to video modes 4K 16:9 up to 30, 2.7K up to 60 and 1080p up to 120fps, in 8-bit only.
- Metadata can take a second before it updates after capture start.
Compatibility: Labs enabled HERO8-13 and MAX
updated: Febuary 4, 2025
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