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Full List the Settings Commands

Mode commands:

* Video Looping: You need to create this preset on camera, before this command will select it.
** Time/Night-Lapse modes: The camera defaults to having presets for only one time-lapse mode and one night-lapse mode, yet both modes have two configurations (video or photo.) For all QR Code mode commands to work, a preset is needed for every mode you wish to use. e.g. If you only have a preset for night-lapse video (NLV), the QR command for NLV will work, but will not for night-lapse photo (NLP). To solve this, create a new preset for NLP, and both video and photo night-lapse commands will work.

Defaults modes (on power up):


Frame rates:

Time-lapse frame rates:

NightLapse frame rates:

Lens - FOV:

Audio (Raw controls):



Depth (H11/12 only):

EIS (Hypersmooth control):

Exposure Lock:

Hindsight (Video modes H9-12):

White Balance:

ISO Minimum and Maximum (set to together with format i(max)M(min)):

ISO Maximum and Shutter Lock (set to together format i(max)S(angle)):

EV Compensation:


Night Photo exposure time:

GoPro MAX Shooting Modes

Feature with off and on commands:

Option (‘o’) commands:

GoPro HERO9-12 Front Screen option commands

Shortcut Menu Types (to be used with oSA, oSB, oSC and oSD) (coming soon)

Feature value Feature value Feature value Feature value
clear shortcut 0 burst rate 8 ISO max 15 horizon control 24
zoom 1 duration 9 mic type 16 speed ramp 25
fov 2 color 10 raw audio 18 scheduled capture 26
slowmo 3 EV comp 11 sharpness 19 hindsight 27
white balance 5 hypersmooth 12 timer 20 10-bit 28
shutter 6 interval 13 timewarp speed 21 nightphoto 29
bit rate 7 ISO min 14 wind noise 23 trail length 30

HERO11/12 UX modes:

Experiment Here

Typing-in Your Custom Mode:


Custom Mode:

updated: Dec 5, 2023

Learn more on QR Control