NGFX Graphics Framework
NGFX is a low level graphics framework, providing an abstraction API on top of Vulkan, DirectX12, and Metal. It exposes the benefits of next-generation graphics technology via a common platform abstraction API. It also supports optional access to the backend data structures, enabling platform specific optimizations.
Source Code
High Level Architecture
Low Level Architecture
The ngfx graphics classes provide high-level abstractions on top of various graphics objects, including Buffer, Texture, Renderpass, Swapchain, Surface, CommandBuffer, etc. Each backend (Vulkan, Metal, DirectX12) is responsible for implementing the high-level abstraction interface via a subclass.
The user can construct 3D graphics commands using these high-level abstractions. Optionally, the user can access the backend-specific data by casting the high-level object to a backend-specific subclass.
For example:
Buffer *buffer = Buffer::create(...);
VKBuffer *vkBuffer = (VKBuffer*)buffer;
From there, the user can access platform specific data, including the underlying Vulkan buffer object, etc. This provides a high degree of flexibility, where the user can primarily use platform-agnostic code, while still being able to use platform-specific code for high-performance optimizations, and for achieving optimal interaction with the platform.
Build Instructions
1) Install Dependencies
1.1) Install Platform-Specific Dependencies
On Windows 10 (or newer):
Install Microsoft Visual Studio 2019 (or newer)
Install Windows Subsystem for Linux (Ubuntu 20.04.1 LTS or newer) - Note: Git Bash or MSYS2 should work too
On Linux (Ubuntu 20.04.1 or newer, other Linux distros should work too):
Install GNU Toolchain (apt install build-essential)
On Mac:
Install XCode
1.2) Install Common System Dependencies
Install CMake 3.19.1 (or newer)
1.3) Install Third-Party Dependencies
ngfx has the following dependencies:
- nlohmann/json 3.9.1 (or newer)
- stb_image 2.26 (or newer)
- glm (or newer)
- RenderDoc 1.11_64 (or newer, on Windows and Linux)
- d3dx12.h v10.0.17763.0 (or newer, on Windows)
- glfw 3.3.2 (or newer, on Windows and Linux)
- shaderc v2020.4 (or newer)
- spirv-cross 2021-01-15 (or newer)
- vulkan sdk (or newer, if using Vulkan backend)
We provide a helper script to help install 3rd-party dependencies
bash build_scripts/ *platform*
- platform: Windows, Linux, or Darwin (Mac OS)
2) Configure
cmake.exe -H. -B*build_folder* -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=*build_type* -D*ngfx_graphics_backend*=ON -G *cmake_generator*
- build_folder: the build output folder (e.g. cmake-build-debug, or cmake-build-release)
- build type: Debug or Release
- cmake_generator: CMake generator (e.g. Visual Studio 16 2019)
cmake.exe -H. -Bcmake-build-debug -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug -DNGFX_GRAPHICS_BACKEND_DIRECT3D12=ON
3) Build
From command line:
cmake.exe --build *build_folder*
Alternatively, can build from IDE
4) Install
cmake.exe --install *build_folder* --config *build_type* --prefix *install_prefix*
- install_prefix: The install prefix
API Documentation
Coding Style Guidelines
We use clang-format to automatically enforce coding style. We use llvm coding style (the default option in clang-format). To automatically apply formatting: run build_scripts/
The LLVM coding style can be referenced here: See
We use doxygen, with JavaDoc-style annotations to generate API documentation.