
Inherits from ngfx::InputListener

Public Functions

virtual ~Camera()
virtual void onKey(KeyCode keyCode, InputAction keyAction) override
virtual void onScroll(double xoffset, double yoffset) override
virtual void onCursorPos(double x, double y) override
virtual void onMouseButton(MouseButton button, InputAction action) override
void update()

Public Attributes

float panX
float panY
float zoom
float yaw
float pitch
float roll
mat4 viewMat
uint32_t state
double x
double y

Public Functions Documentation

function ~Camera

inline virtual ~Camera()

Destroy the camera

function onKey

virtual void onKey(
    KeyCode keyCode,
    InputAction keyAction
) override


  • keyCode The key code
  • keyAction The key action

Reimplements: ngfx::InputListener::onKey

Handle key press input event

function onScroll

virtual void onScroll(
    double xoffset,
    double yoffset
) override


  • xoffset The relative x offset
  • yoffset The relative y offset

Reimplements: ngfx::InputListener::onScroll

Handle scroll input event

function onCursorPos

virtual void onCursorPos(
    double x,
    double y
) override


  • x The relative x movement
  • y The relative y movement

Reimplements: ngfx::InputListener::onCursorPos

Handle cursor move event

function onMouseButton

virtual void onMouseButton(
    MouseButton button,
    InputAction action
) override


  • button The mouse button
  • action The mouse button event

Reimplements: ngfx::InputListener::onMouseButton

Handle mouse button event

function update

void update()

Update camera parameters This function is called once per frame

Public Attributes Documentation

variable panX

float panX = 0.0f;

The camera pan along the x axis

variable panY

float panY = 0.0f;

The camera pan along the y axis

variable zoom

float zoom = 0.0f;

The camera zoom

variable yaw

float yaw = 0.0f;

The camera yaw (radians)

variable pitch

float pitch = 0.0f;

The camera pitch (radians)

variable roll

float roll = 0.0f;

The camera roll (radians) The camera view matrix

variable viewMat

mat4 viewMat;

variable state

uint32_t state = 0;

variable x

double x = -1.0;

variable y

double y = -1.0;

Updated on 3 April 2021 at 20:21:51 PDT