
Inherits from ngfx::DrawOp

Public Functions

DrawTextureOp(GraphicsContext * ctx, Texture * texture)
DrawTextureOp(GraphicsContext * ctx, Texture * texture, const std::vector< glm::vec2 > & pos, const std::vector< glm::vec2 > & texCoord)
virtual ~DrawTextureOp()
virtual void draw(CommandBuffer * commandBuffer, Graphics * graphics) override

Protected Functions

virtual void createPipeline()

Public Attributes

std::unique_ptr< Buffer > bPos
std::unique_ptr< Buffer > bTexCoord
Texture * texture

Protected Attributes

GraphicsPipeline * graphicsPipeline
uint32_t numVerts
uint32_t B_POS
uint32_t B_TEXCOORD
uint32_t U_TEXTURE

Additional inherited members

Public Functions inherited from ngfx::DrawOp

DrawOp(GraphicsContext * ctx)
virtual ~DrawOp()

Protected Attributes inherited from ngfx::DrawOp

GraphicsContext * ctx

Public Functions Documentation

function DrawTextureOp

inline DrawTextureOp(
    GraphicsContext * ctx,
    Texture * texture

function DrawTextureOp

    GraphicsContext * ctx,
    Texture * texture,
    const std::vector< glm::vec2 > & pos,
    const std::vector< glm::vec2 > & texCoord

function ~DrawTextureOp

inline virtual ~DrawTextureOp()

function draw

virtual void draw(
    CommandBuffer * commandBuffer,
    Graphics * graphics
) override


  • commandBuffer The command buffer
  • graphics The graphics object

Reimplements: ngfx::DrawOp::draw

Draw function. This function is called when the scene is redrawn. It records the draw calls to the command buffer.

Protected Functions Documentation

function createPipeline

virtual void createPipeline()

Public Attributes Documentation

variable bPos

std::unique_ptr< Buffer > bPos;

variable bTexCoord

std::unique_ptr< Buffer > bTexCoord;

variable texture

Texture * texture;

Protected Attributes Documentation

variable graphicsPipeline

GraphicsPipeline * graphicsPipeline;

variable numVerts

uint32_t numVerts;

variable B_POS

uint32_t B_POS;

variable B_TEXCOORD

uint32_t B_TEXCOORD;

variable U_TEXTURE

uint32_t U_TEXTURE;

Updated on 3 April 2021 at 20:21:51 PDT