Name |
string |
getEnv(const string & name) |
json * |
getEntry(const json & data, const string & key) |
shaderc_shader_kind |
toShaderKind(const string & ext) |
Functions Documentation
function getEnv
static string getEnv(
const string & name
function getEntry
static json * getEntry(
const json & data,
const string & key
function toShaderKind
static shaderc_shader_kind toShaderKind(
const string & ext
Attributes Documentation
variable readFile
auto readFile = FileUtil::readFile;
variable writeFile
auto writeFile = FileUtil::writeFile;
variable toLower
auto toLower = StringUtil::toLower;
Macro Documentation
define V
#define V(
{ \
ret = func; \
if (ret != 0) \
return ret; \
define PATCH
#define PATCH string("patch")
Source code
* Copyright 2020 GoPro Inc.
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
#include "ShaderTools.h"
#include "ngfx/core/DebugUtil.h"
#include "ngfx/core/FileUtil.h"
#include "ngfx/core/StringUtil.h"
#include <cctype>
#include <filesystem>
#include <fstream>
#include <regex>
#include <set>
#include <spirv_cross/spirv_glsl.hpp>
#include <spirv_cross/spirv_hlsl.hpp>
#include <spirv_cross/spirv_msl.hpp>
#include <spirv_cross/spirv_reflect.hpp>
#include <sstream>
using namespace std;
using namespace ngfx;
auto readFile = FileUtil::readFile;
auto writeFile = FileUtil::writeFile;
auto toLower = StringUtil::toLower;
namespace fs = std::filesystem;
#define V(func) \
{ \
ret = func; \
if (ret != 0) \
return ret; \
#ifdef _WIN32
#define PATCH string("patch.exe")
#define PATCH string("patch")
static string getEnv(const string &name) {
char *value = getenv(name.c_str());
return (value ? value : "");
static json *getEntry(const json &data, const string &key) {
auto it = data.find(key);
if (it == data.end())
return nullptr;
return (json *)&it.value();
ShaderTools::ShaderTools(bool verbose) : verbose(verbose) {
defaultIncludePaths = {"ngfx/data/shaders", "nodegl/data/shaders"};
int ShaderTools::cmd(string str) {
if (verbose) {
NGFX_LOG(">> %s", str.c_str());
} else
str += " >> /dev/null 2>&1";
return system(str.c_str());
bool ShaderTools::findIncludeFile(const string &includeFilename,
const vector<string> &includePaths,
string &includeFile) {
for (const string &includePath : includePaths) {
fs::path filename = includePath / fs::path(includeFilename);
if (fs::exists(filename)) {
includeFile = filename.string();
return true;
return false;
int ShaderTools::preprocess(const string &src, const string &dataPath,
string &dst) {
dst = "";
vector<string> includePaths = defaultIncludePaths;
istringstream sstream(src);
string line;
while (std::getline(sstream, line)) {
smatch matchIncludeGroups;
bool matchInclude =
regex_search(line, matchIncludeGroups, regex("#include \"([^\"]*)"));
if (matchInclude) {
string includeFilename = matchIncludeGroups[1];
string includeFilePath;
findIncludeFile(includeFilename, includePaths, includeFilePath);
dst += readFile(includeFilePath);
} else {
dst += line + "\n";
return 0;
int ShaderTools::compileShaderGLSL(
const string &src, shaderc_shader_kind shaderKind,
const MacroDefinitions &defines, string &spv, bool verbose,
shaderc_optimization_level optimizationLevel) {
shaderc::Compiler compiler;
shaderc::CompileOptions compileOptions;
for (const MacroDefinition &define : defines) {
compileOptions.AddMacroDefinition(, define.value);
auto result = compiler.CompileGlslToSpv(src, shaderKind, "", compileOptions);
if (result.GetCompilationStatus() != shaderc_compilation_status_success) {
NGFX_ERR("cannot compile file: %s", result.GetErrorMessage().c_str());
return 1;
spv = string((const char *)result.cbegin(),
sizeof(uint32_t) * (result.cend() - result.cbegin()));
return 0;
int ShaderTools::removeUnusedVariablesGLSL(const std::string &src,
shaderc_shader_kind shaderKind,
const MacroDefinitions &defines,
std::string &dst) {
int ret = 0;
string spv;
V(compileShaderGLSL(src, shaderKind, defines, spv, false));
auto compilerGLSL = make_unique<spirv_cross::CompilerGLSL>(
(const uint32_t *), spv.size() / sizeof(uint32_t));
auto activeVariables = compilerGLSL->get_active_interface_variables();
spirv_cross::CompilerGLSL::Options opts;
opts.vulkan_semantics = true;
dst = compilerGLSL->compile();
return 0;
int ShaderTools::patchShaderLayoutsGLSL(const string &src, string &dst) {
dst = "";
istringstream sstream(src);
string line;
while (std::getline(sstream, line)) {
// Patch GLSL shader layouts
smatch g;
bool matchLayout = regex_search(line, g,
if (matchLayout) {
dst += g[1].str() + "layout(" + g[2].str() + "set = " + g[3].str() +
", binding = 0" + g[4].str() + ")" + g[5].str() + "\n";
} else {
dst += line + "\n";
return 0;
static shaderc_shader_kind toShaderKind(const string &ext) {
static const map<string, shaderc_shader_kind> shaderKindMap = {
{".vert", shaderc_vertex_shader},
{".frag", shaderc_fragment_shader},
{".comp", shaderc_compute_shader}};
int ShaderTools::compileShaderGLSL(string filename,
const MacroDefinitions &defines,
const string &outDir,
vector<string> &outFiles, int flags) {
string parentPath = fs::path(filename).parent_path().string();
filename = fs::path(filename).filename().string();
string inFileName =
fs::path(parentPath + "/" + filename).make_preferred().string();
string outFileName =
fs::path(outDir + "/" + filename + ".spv").make_preferred().string();
if (!FileUtil::srcFileNewerThanOutFile(inFileName, outFileName)) {
return 0;
string src, dst;
int ret = 0;
src = FileUtil::readFile(inFileName);
string ext = FileUtil::splitExt(inFileName)[1];
shaderc_shader_kind shaderKind = toShaderKind(ext);
V(removeUnusedVariablesGLSL(src, shaderKind, defines, dst));
src = move(dst);
V(patchShaderLayoutsGLSL(src, dst));
src = move(dst);
V(compileShaderGLSL(src, shaderKind, defines, dst));
writeFile(outFileName, dst);
return 0;
int ShaderTools::compileShaderMSL(const string &file,
const MacroDefinitions &defines,
string outDir, vector<string> &outFiles) {
string strippedFilename =
string inFileName = fs::path(outDir + "/" + strippedFilename + ".metal")
string outFileName = fs::path(outDir + "/" + strippedFilename + ".metallib")
if (!FileUtil::srcFileNewerThanOutFile(inFileName, outFileName)) {
return 0;
string debugFlags = "-gline-tables-only -MO";
int result = cmd("xcrun -sdk macosx metal " + debugFlags + " -c " +
inFileName + " -o " + outDir + "/" + strippedFilename +
".air && "
"xcrun -sdk macosx metallib " +
outDir + "/" + strippedFilename + ".air -o " + outFileName);
if (result == 0)
NGFX_LOG("compiled file: %s", file.c_str());
NGFX_ERR("cannot compile file: %s", file.c_str());
return result;
int ShaderTools::compileShaderHLSL(const string &file,
const MacroDefinitions &defines,
string outDir, vector<string> &outFiles) {
string strippedFilename =
string inFileName = fs::path(outDir + "/" + strippedFilename + ".hlsl")
string outFileName = fs::path(outDir + "/" + strippedFilename + ".dxc")
if (!FileUtil::srcFileNewerThanOutFile(inFileName, outFileName)) {
return 0;
string shaderModel = "";
if (strstr(inFileName.c_str(), ".vert"))
shaderModel = "vs_5_0";
else if (strstr(inFileName.c_str(), ".frag"))
shaderModel = "ps_5_0";
else if (strstr(inFileName.c_str(), ".comp"))
shaderModel = "cs_5_0";
int result = cmd("dxc.exe /T " + shaderModel + " /Fo " + outFileName + " " +
if (result == 0)
NGFX_LOG("compiled file: %s", file.c_str());
NGFX_ERR("cannot compile file: %s", file.c_str());
return result;
int ShaderTools::convertSPVToMSL(const string &spv,
shaderc_shader_kind shaderKind, string &msl) {
auto compilerMSL = make_unique<spirv_cross::CompilerMSL>(
(const uint32_t *), spv.size() / sizeof(uint32_t));
msl = compilerMSL->compile();
return 0;
int ShaderTools::convertSPVToHLSL(const string &spv,
shaderc_shader_kind shaderKind, string &hlsl,
uint32_t shaderModel) {
auto compilerHLSL = make_unique<spirv_cross::CompilerHLSL>(
(const uint32_t *), spv.size() / sizeof(uint32_t));
auto options = compilerHLSL->get_hlsl_options();
options.shader_model = shaderModel;
hlsl = compilerHLSL->compile();
return 0;
int ShaderTools::convertShader(const string &file, const string &extraArgs,
string outDir, Format fmt,
vector<string> &outFiles) {
auto splitFilename = FileUtil::splitExt(fs::path(file).filename().string());
string strippedFilename = splitFilename[0];
string ext = FileUtil::splitExt(strippedFilename)[1];
string inFileName = fs::path(outDir + "/" + strippedFilename + ".spv")
string outFileName = fs::path(outDir + "/" + strippedFilename +
(fmt == FORMAT_MSL ? ".metal" : ".hlsl"))
if (!FileUtil::srcFileNewerThanOutFile(inFileName, outFileName)) {
return 0;
string spv = FileUtil::readFile(inFileName), dst;
int result;
if (fmt == FORMAT_MSL) {
result = convertSPVToMSL(spv, toShaderKind(ext), dst);
} else {
result = convertSPVToHLSL(spv, toShaderKind(ext), dst);
FileUtil::writeFile(outFileName, dst);
string args =
(fmt == FORMAT_MSL ? "--msl" : "--hlsl --shader-model 60") + extraArgs;
if (result == 0)
NGFX_LOG("converted file: %s to %s", inFileName.c_str(),
NGFX_ERR("cannot convert file: %s", file.c_str());
return result;
bool ShaderTools::findMetalReflectData(
const vector<RegexUtil::Match> &metalReflectData, const string &name,
RegexUtil::Match &match) {
for (const RegexUtil::Match &data : metalReflectData) {
if (data.s[2] == name) {
match = data;
return true;
} else if (strstr(data.s[1].c_str(), name.c_str())) {
match = data;
return true;
return false;
int ShaderTools::patchShaderReflectionDataMSL(const std::string &glslReflect,
const std::string &ext,
const std::string &msl,
std::string &mslReflect) {
auto glslReflectJson = json::parse(glslReflect);
MetalReflectData metalReflectData;
if (ext == ".vert") {
metalReflectData.attributes =
metalReflectData.buffers = RegexUtil::findAll(
metalReflectData.textures = RegexUtil::findAll(
json *textures = getEntry(glslReflectJson, "textures"),
*ubos = getEntry(glslReflectJson, "ubos"),
*ssbos = getEntry(glslReflectJson, "ssbos"),
*images = getEntry(glslReflectJson, "images");
uint32_t numDescriptors =
(textures ? textures->size() : 0) + (images ? images->size() : 0) +
(ubos ? ubos->size() : 0) + (ssbos ? ssbos->size() : 0);
// update input bindings
if (ext == ".vert") {
json *inputs = getEntry(glslReflectJson, "inputs");
for (json &input : *inputs) {
RegexUtil::Match metalInputReflectData;
bool foundMatch = findMetalReflectData(
metalReflectData.attributes, input["name"], metalInputReflectData);
if (!foundMatch) {
return 1;
input["location"] = stoi(metalInputReflectData.s[3]) + numDescriptors;
// update descriptor bindings
if (textures)
for (json &descriptor : *textures) {
RegexUtil::Match metalTextureReflectData;
bool foundMatch =
findMetalReflectData(metalReflectData.textures, descriptor["name"],
descriptor["set"] = stoi(metalTextureReflectData.s[3]);
if (ubos)
for (json &descriptor : *ubos) {
RegexUtil::Match metalBufferReflectData;
bool foundMatch = findMetalReflectData(
metalReflectData.buffers, descriptor["name"], metalBufferReflectData);
descriptor["set"] = stoi(metalBufferReflectData.s[3]);
if (ssbos)
for (json &descriptor : *ssbos) {
RegexUtil::Match metalBufferReflectData;
bool foundMatch = findMetalReflectData(
metalReflectData.buffers, descriptor["name"], metalBufferReflectData);
descriptor["set"] = stoi(metalBufferReflectData.s[3]);
if (images)
for (json &descriptor : *images) {
RegexUtil::Match metalTextureReflectData;
bool foundMatch =
findMetalReflectData(metalReflectData.textures, descriptor["name"],
descriptor["set"] = stoi(metalTextureReflectData.s[3]);
mslReflect = glslReflectJson.dump(4);
return 0;
int ShaderTools::patchShaderReflectionDataHLSL(const std::string &glslReflect,
const std::string &ext,
const std::string &hlsl,
std::string &hlslReflect) {
auto glslReflectJson = json::parse(glslReflect);
HLSLReflectData hlslReflectData;
// parse semantics
if (ext == ".vert") {
json *inputs = getEntry(glslReflectJson, "inputs");
for (json &input : *inputs) {
regex p(input["name"].get<string>() + "\\s*:\\s*([^;]*);");
vector<RegexUtil::Match> hlslReflectData = RegexUtil::findAll(p, hlsl);
input["semantic"] = hlslReflectData[0].s[1];
// get descriptors
json *textures = getEntry(glslReflectJson, "textures"),
*ubos = getEntry(glslReflectJson, "ubos"),
*ssbos = getEntry(glslReflectJson, "ssbos"),
*images = getEntry(glslReflectJson, "images");
map<int, json *> descriptors;
if (textures)
for (auto &desc : *textures)
descriptors[desc["set"].get<int>()] = &desc;
if (ubos)
for (auto &desc : *ubos)
descriptors[desc["set"].get<int>()] = &desc;
if (ssbos)
for (auto &desc : *ssbos)
descriptors[desc["set"].get<int>()] = &desc;
if (images)
for (auto &desc : *images)
descriptors[desc["set"].get<int>()] = &desc;
// patch descriptor bindings
set<int> sets;
set<string> samplerTypes = {"sampler2D", "sampler3D", "samplerCube"};
for (const auto &kv : descriptors) {
uint32_t set = kv.first;
json &desc = *kv.second;
while (sets.find(set) != sets.end())
set += 1;
desc["set"] = set;
if (samplerTypes.find(desc["type"]) != samplerTypes.end())
sets.insert(set + 1);
hlslReflect = glslReflectJson.dump(4);
return 0;
int ShaderTools::genShaderReflectionGLSL(const string &, const string &ext,
const string &spv, string &glslMap) {
spirv_cross::CompilerReflection compilerReflection(
(const uint32_t *), spv.size() / sizeof(uint32_t));
auto reflectOutput = compilerReflection.compile();
glslMap = json::parse(reflectOutput).dump(4);
return 0;
int ShaderTools::genShaderReflectionMSL(const string &msl, const string &ext,
const string &spv, string &mslMap) {
string glslReflect;
genShaderReflectionGLSL("", ext, spv, glslReflect);
return patchShaderReflectionDataMSL(glslReflect, ext, msl, mslMap);
int ShaderTools::genShaderReflectionHLSL(const string &hlsl, const string &ext,
const string &spv, string &hlslMap) {
string glslReflect;
genShaderReflectionGLSL("", ext, spv, glslReflect);
return patchShaderReflectionDataHLSL(glslReflect, ext, hlsl, hlslMap);
string ShaderTools::parseReflectionData(const json &reflectData, string ext) {
string contents = "";
if (ext == ".vert") {
json *inputs = getEntry(reflectData, "inputs");
contents += "INPUT_ATTRIBUTES " + to_string(inputs->size()) + "\n";
for (const json &input : *inputs) {
string inputName = input["name"];
string inputSemantic = "";
string inputNameLower = toLower(inputName);
inputSemantic = "UNDEFINED";
if (input.find("semantic") != input.end())
inputSemantic = input["semantic"];
map<string, string> inputTypeMap = {
{"ivec2", "VERTEXFORMAT_INT2"}, {"ivec3", "VERTEXFORMAT_INT3"},
{"ivec4", "VERTEXFORMAT_INT4"}, {"mat2", "VERTEXFORMAT_MAT2"},
{"mat3", "VERTEXFORMAT_MAT3"}, {"mat4", "VERTEXFORMAT_MAT4"}};
string inputType = inputTypeMap[input["type"]];
contents += "\t" + inputName + " " + inputSemantic + " " +
to_string(input["location"].get<int>()) + " " + inputType +
json *textures = getEntry(reflectData, "textures"),
*ubos = getEntry(reflectData, "ubos"),
*ssbos = getEntry(reflectData, "ssbos"),
*images = getEntry(reflectData, "images"),
*types = getEntry(reflectData, "types");
json uniformBufferInfos;
json shaderStorageBufferInfos;
std::function<void(const json &, json &, uint32_t, string)> parseMembers =
[&](const json &membersData, json &members, uint32_t baseOffset = 0,
string baseName = "") {
for (const json &memberData : membersData) {
const map<string, int> typeSizeMap = {
{"int", 4}, {"uint", 4}, {"float", 4}, {"vec2", 8},
{"vec3", 12}, {"vec4", 16}, {"ivec2", 8}, {"ivec3", 12},
{"ivec4", 16}, {"uvec2", 8}, {"uvec3", 12}, {"uvec4", 16},
{"mat2", 16}, {"mat3", 36}, {"mat4", 64}};
string memberType = memberData["type"];
if (typeSizeMap.find(memberType) != typeSizeMap.end()) {
json member = memberData;
member["name"] = baseName + member["name"].get<string>();
member["size"] =;
member["offset"] = member["offset"].get<int>() + baseOffset;
member["array_count"] = (member.find("array") != member.end())
? member["array"][0].get<int>()
: 0;
member["array_stride"] =
(member.find("array_stride") != member.end())
? member["array_stride"].get<int>()
: 0;
} else if (types->find(memberType) != types->end()) {
const json &type = (*types)[memberType];
parseMembers(type["members"], members,
baseOffset + memberData["offset"].get<int>(),
baseName + memberData["name"].get<string>() + ".");
} else
NGFX_ERR("unrecognized type: {memberType}");
auto parseBuffers = [&](const json &buffers, json &bufferInfos) {
for (const json &buffer : buffers) {
const json &bufferType = (*types)[buffer["type"].get<string>()];
json bufferMembers = {};
parseMembers(bufferType["members"], bufferMembers, 0, "");
json bufferInfo = {{"name", buffer["name"].get<string>()},
{"set", buffer["set"].get<int>()},
{"binding", buffer["binding"].get<int>()},
{"members", bufferMembers}};
if (ubos)
parseBuffers(*ubos, uniformBufferInfos);
if (ssbos)
parseBuffers(*ssbos, shaderStorageBufferInfos);
json textureDescriptors = {};
json bufferDescriptors = {};
if (textures)
for (const json &texture : *textures) {
textureDescriptors[to_string(texture["set"].get<int>())] = {
{"type", texture["type"]},
{"name", texture["name"]},
{"set", texture["set"]},
{"binding", texture["binding"]}};
if (images)
for (const json &image : *images) {
textureDescriptors[to_string(image["set"].get<int>())] = {
{"type", image["type"]},
{"name", image["name"]},
{"set", image["set"]},
{"binding", image["binding"]}};
if (ubos)
for (const json &ubo : *ubos) {
bufferDescriptors[to_string(ubo["set"].get<int>())] = {
{"type", "uniformBuffer"},
{"name", ubo["name"]},
{"set", ubo["set"]},
{"binding", ubo["binding"]}};
if (ssbos)
for (const json &ssbo : *ssbos) {
bufferDescriptors[to_string(ssbo["set"].get<int>())] = {
{"type", "shaderStorageBuffer"},
{"name", ssbo["name"]},
{"set", ssbo["set"]},
{"binding", ssbo["binding"]}};
contents += "DESCRIPTORS " +
to_string(textureDescriptors.size() + bufferDescriptors.size()) +
map<string, string> descriptorTypeMap = {
{"shaderStorageBuffer", "DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_STORAGE_BUFFER"}};
for (auto &[key, val] : textureDescriptors.items()) {
string descriptorType = descriptorTypeMap[val["type"]];
contents += "\t" + val["name"].get<string>() + " " + descriptorType + " " +
to_string(val["set"].get<int>()) + "\n";
for (auto &[key, val] : bufferDescriptors.items()) {
string descriptorType = descriptorTypeMap[val["type"]];
contents += "\t" + val["name"].get<string>() + " " + descriptorType + " " +
to_string(val["set"].get<int>()) + "\n";
auto processBufferInfos = [&](const json &bufferInfo) -> string {
string contents = "";
const json &memberInfos = bufferInfo["members"];
contents += bufferInfo["name"].get<string>() + " " +
to_string(bufferInfo["set"].get<int>()) + " " +
to_string(memberInfos.size()) + "\n";
for (const json &m : memberInfos) {
contents += m["name"].get<string>() + " " +
to_string(m["offset"].get<int>()) + " " +
to_string(m["size"].get<int>()) + " " +
to_string(m["array_count"].get<int>()) + " " +
to_string(m["array_stride"].get<int>()) + "\n";
return contents;
contents +=
"UNIFORM_BUFFER_INFOS " + to_string(uniformBufferInfos.size()) + "\n";
for (const json &bufferInfo : uniformBufferInfos) {
contents += processBufferInfos(bufferInfo);
to_string(shaderStorageBufferInfos.size()) + "\n";
for (const json &bufferInfo : shaderStorageBufferInfos) {
contents += processBufferInfos(bufferInfo);
return contents;
int ShaderTools::generateShaderMapGLSL(const string &file, string outDir,
vector<string> &outFiles) {
string filename = fs::path(file).filename().string();
string ext = FileUtil::splitExt(filename)[1];
string glslFileName =
fs::path(outDir + "/" + filename).make_preferred().string();
string spvFileName =
fs::path(outDir + "/" + filename + ".spv").make_preferred().string();
string glslMapFileName =
fs::path(outDir + "/" + filename + ".map").make_preferred().string();
if (!FileUtil::srcFileNewerThanOutFile(glslFileName, glslMapFileName)) {
return 0;
string glsl = "", spv = readFile(spvFileName), glslReflect;
genShaderReflectionGLSL(glsl, ext, spv, glslReflect);
auto glslReflectJson = json::parse(glslReflect);
string glslMap = parseReflectionData(glslReflectJson, ext);
writeFile(glslMapFileName, glslMap);
return 0;
int ShaderTools::generateShaderMapMSL(const string &file, string outDir,
vector<string> &outFiles) {
auto splitFilename = FileUtil::splitExt(fs::path(file).filename().string());
string glslFilename = splitFilename[0];
string ext = FileUtil::splitExt(splitFilename[0])[1];
string mslFileName = fs::path(outDir + "/" + glslFilename + ".metal")
string spvFileName =
fs::path(outDir + "/" + glslFilename + ".spv").make_preferred().string();
string mslMapFileName = fs::path(outDir + "/" + glslFilename + "")
if (!FileUtil::srcFileNewerThanOutFile(mslFileName, mslMapFileName)) {
return 0;
string msl = readFile(mslFileName), spv = readFile(spvFileName), mslReflect;
genShaderReflectionMSL(msl, ext, spv, mslReflect);
auto mslReflectJson = json::parse(mslReflect);
string mslMap = parseReflectionData(mslReflectJson, ext);
writeFile(mslMapFileName, mslMap);
return 0;
int ShaderTools::generateShaderMapHLSL(const string &file, string outDir,
vector<string> &outFiles) {
auto splitFilename = FileUtil::splitExt(fs::path(file).filename().string());
string glslFilename = splitFilename[0];
string ext = FileUtil::splitExt(splitFilename[0])[1];
string hlslFileName =
fs::path(outDir + "/" + glslFilename + ".hlsl").make_preferred().string();
string spvFileName =
fs::path(outDir + "/" + glslFilename + ".spv").make_preferred().string();
string hlslMapFileName = fs::path(outDir + "/" + glslFilename + "")
if (!FileUtil::srcFileNewerThanOutFile(hlslFileName, hlslMapFileName)) {
return 0;
string hlsl = readFile(hlslFileName), spv = readFile(spvFileName),
genShaderReflectionHLSL(hlsl, ext, spv, hlslReflect);
auto hlslReflectJson = json::parse(hlslReflect);
string hlslMap = parseReflectionData(hlslReflectJson, ext);
writeFile(hlslMapFileName, hlslMap);
return 0;
vector<string> ShaderTools::convertShaders(const vector<string> &files,
string outDir, Format fmt) {
vector<string> outFiles;
for (const string &file : files)
convertShader(file, "", outDir, fmt, outFiles);
return outFiles;
vector<string> ShaderTools::compileShaders(const vector<string> &files,
string outDir, Format fmt,
const MacroDefinitions &defines,
int flags) {
vector<string> outFiles;
for (const string &file : files) {
if (fmt == FORMAT_GLSL)
compileShaderGLSL(file, defines, outDir, outFiles, flags);
else if (fmt == FORMAT_MSL)
compileShaderMSL(file, defines, outDir, outFiles);
else if (fmt == FORMAT_HLSL)
compileShaderHLSL(file, defines, outDir, outFiles);
return outFiles;
void ShaderTools::applyPatches(const vector<string> &patchFiles,
string outDir) {
for (const string &patchFile : patchFiles) {
string filename = FileUtil::splitExt(fs::path(patchFile).string())[0];
NGFX_LOG("filename: %s", filename.c_str());
string outFile =
fs::path(outDir + "/" + filename).make_preferred().string();
if (fs::exists(outFile)) {
NGFX_LOG("applying patch: {patchFile}");
string cmdStr = PATCH + " -N -u " + outFile + " -i " + patchFile;
vector<string> ShaderTools::generateShaderMaps(const vector<string> &files,
string outDir, Format fmt) {
vector<string> outFiles;
for (const string &file : files) {
if (fmt == FORMAT_GLSL)
generateShaderMapGLSL(file, outDir, outFiles);
else if (fmt == FORMAT_MSL)
generateShaderMapMSL(file, outDir, outFiles);
else if (fmt == FORMAT_HLSL)
generateShaderMapHLSL(file, outDir, outFiles);
return outFiles;
Updated on 3 April 2021 at 20:21:51 PDT