7 minute read

This document will provide a walk-through tutorial to use the Open GoPro Interface to configure and demonstrate the Camera on the Home Network (COHN) feature.

It is recommended that you have first completed the connecting BLE, sending commands, parsing responses, protobuf, and connecting WiFi tutorials before proceeding.


It is assumed that the hardware and software requirements from the connecting BLE tutorial are present and configured correctly.

The scripts that will be used for this tutorial can be found in the Tutorial 9 Folder.

Just Show me the Demo(s)!!

  • Each of the scripts for this tutorial can be found in the Tutorial 9 directory.

    Python >= 3.9 and < 3.12 must be used as specified in the requirements

    You can provision the GoPro for COHN to communicate via a network via:

    $ python provision_cohn.py

    See the help for parameter definitions:

    $ python provision_cohn.py --help
    usage: provision_cohn.py [-h] [-i IDENTIFIER] [-c CERTIFICATE] ssid password
    Provision COHN via BLE to be ready for communication.
    positional arguments:
      ssid                  SSID of network to connect to
      password              Password of network to connect to
      -h, --help            show this help message and exit
      -i IDENTIFIER, --identifier IDENTIFIER
                            Last 4 digits of GoPro serial number, which is the last 4 digits of the default camera
                            SSID. If not used, first discovered GoPro will be connected to
      -c CERTIFICATE, --certificate CERTIFICATE
                            Path to write retrieved COHN certificate.

    You can see an example of communicating HTTPS via COHN (assuming it has already been provisioned) via:

    $ python communicate_via_cohn.py

    See the help for parameter definitions:

    $ python communicate_via_cohn.py --help
    usage: communicate_via_cohn.py [-h] ip_address username password certificate
    Demonstrate HTTPS communication via COHN.
    positional arguments:
      ip_address   IP Address of camera on the home network
      username     COHN username
      password     COHN password
      certificate  Path to read COHN cert from.
      -h, --help   show this help message and exit
  • TODO


We must first connect to BLE as was discussed in the connecting BLE tutorial. The GoPro must then be connected to an access point as was discussed in the Connecting WiFi Tutorial. For all of the BLE operations, we are using the same ResponseManager class that was defined in the Protobuf tutorial.

COHN Overview

The Camera on the Home Network feature allows the GoPro to connect (in Station Mode) to an Access Point (AP) such as a router in order to be controlled over a local network via the HTTP API.

In order to protect users who connect to a network that includes Bad Actors, COHN uses SSL/TLS so that command and responses are sent securely encrypted via https:// rather than http://.

Once COHN is provisioned it is possible to control the GoPro without a BLE connection by communicating via HTTPS over the provisioned network.


In order to use the COHN capability, the GoPro must first be provisioned for COHN via BLE. At a high level, the provisioning process is as follows:

  • Connect the GoPro to an access point
  • Instruct the GoPro to create a COHN Certificate
  • Get the created COHN certificate
  • Get the COHN status to retrieve and store COHN credentials for future use

A summary of this process is shown here and will be expanded upon in the following sections:

Provision COHN

Set Date Time

While not explicitly part of of the provisioning process, it is important that the GoPro’s date and time are correct so that it generates a valid SSL certificate. This can be done manually through the camera UI or programatically using the Set Local Datetime command.

For the provisioning demo discussed in this tutorial, this is done programatically:

  • The code shown here can be found in provision_cohn.py

    We’re using the pytz and tzlocal libraries to find the timezone offset and daylight savings time status. In the set_date_time method, we send the request and wait to receive the successful response:

    datetime_request = bytearray(
            0x0F,  # Command ID
            10,  # Length of following datetime parameter
            *now.year.to_bytes(2, "big", signed=False),  # uint16 year
            *offset.to_bytes(2, "big", signed=True),  # int16 offset in minutes
    datetime_request.insert(0, len(datetime_request))
    await manager.client.write_gatt_char(GoProUuid.COMMAND_REQ_UUID.value, datetime_request, response=True)
    response = await manager.get_next_response_as_tlv()

    which logs as:

    Setting the camera's date and time to 2024-04-04 13:00:05.097305-07:00:-420 is_dst=True
    Writing: 0c:0f:0a:07:e8:04:04:0d:00:05:fe:5c:01
    Received response at GoProUuid.COMMAND_RSP_UUID: 02:0f:00
    Successfully set the date time.
  • TODO

Create the COHN Certificate

Now that the GoPro’s date and time are valid and it has been connected to an Access Point, we can continue to provision COHN.

Let’s instruct the GoPro to Create a COHN certificate.

  • create_request = bytearray(
            0xF1,  # Feature ID
            0x67,  # Action ID
    create_request.insert(0, len(create_request))
    await manager.client.write_gatt_char(GoProUuid.COMMAND_REQ_UUID.value, create_request, response=True)
    response := await manager.get_next_response_as_protobuf()

    which logs as:

    Creating a new COHN certificate.
    Writing: 02:f1:67
    Received response at GoProUuid.COMMAND_RSP_UUID: 04:f1:e7:08:01
    COHN certificate successfully created
  • TODO

You may notice that the provisioning demo first Clears the COHN Certificate. This is is only to ensure a consistent starting state in the case that COHN has already been provisioned. It is not necessary to clear the certificate if COHN has not yet been provisioned.

Get the COHN Credentials

At this point the GoPro has created the certificate and is in the process of provisioning COHN. We now need to get the COHN credentials that will be used for HTTPS communication. These are:

  • COHN certificate
  • Basic auth username
  • Baisc auth password
  • IP Address of COHN network

We can immediately get the COHN certificate as such:

  • cert_request = bytearray(
            0xF5,  # Feature ID
            0x6E,  # Action ID
    cert_request.insert(0, len(cert_request))
    await manager.client.write_gatt_char(GoProUuid.QUERY_REQ_UUID.value, cert_request, response=True)
    response := await manager.get_next_response_as_protobuf():
    cert_response: proto.ResponseCOHNCert = response.data  # type: ignore
    return cert_response.cert
  • TODO

For the remaining credentials, we need to wait until the COHN network is connected. That is, we need to Get COHN Status until we receive a status where the state is set to COHN_STATE_NetworkConnected. This final status contains the remaining credentials: username, password, and IP Address.

To do this, we first register to receive asynchronous COHN status updates:

  • status_request = bytearray(
            0xF5,  # Feature ID
            0x6F,  # Action ID
    status_request.insert(0, len(status_request))
    await manager.client.write_gatt_char(GoProUuid.QUERY_REQ_UUID.value, status_request, response=True)
  • TODO

Then we continuously receive and check the updates until we receive the desired status:

  • while response := await manager.get_next_response_as_protobuf():
        cohn_status: proto.NotifyCOHNStatus = response.data  # type: ignore
        if cohn_status.state == proto.EnumCOHNNetworkState.COHN_STATE_NetworkConnected:
            return cohn_status

    This will all display in the log as such:

    Checking COHN status until provisioning is complete
    Writing: 04:f5:6f:08:01
    Received response at GoProUuid.QUERY_RSP_UUID: 20:47:f5:ef:08:01:10:1b:1a:05:67:6f:70:72:6f:22:0c:47:7a:74
    Received response at GoProUuid.QUERY_RSP_UUID: 80:32:6d:36:59:4d:76:4c:41:6f:2a:0e:31:39:32:2e:31:36:38:2e
    Received response at GoProUuid.QUERY_RSP_UUID: 81:35:30:2e:31:30:33:30:01:3a:0a:64:61:62:75:67:64:61:62:75
    Received response at GoProUuid.QUERY_RSP_UUID: 82:67:42:0c:32:34:37:34:66:37:66:36:36:31:30:34
    Received COHN Status:
             status: COHN_PROVISIONED
             state: COHN_STATE_NetworkConnected
             username: "gopro"
             password: "Gzt2m6YMvLAo"
             ipaddress: ""
             enabled: true
             ssid: "dabugdabug"
             macaddress: "2474f7f66104"
    Successfully provisioned COHN.
  • TODO

Finally we accumulate all of the credentials and log them, also storing the certificate to a cohn.crt file:

  • credentials = await provision_cohn(manager)
    with open(certificate, "w") as fp:
        logger.info(f"Certificate written to {certificate.resolve()}")
        "certificate": "-----BEGIN
             /RYPVEgF4VNxRqn+uA==\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----\n",
        "username": "gopro",
        "password": "Gzt2m6YMvLAo",
        "ip_address": ""
    Certificate written to C:\Users\user\gopro\OpenGoPro\demos\python\tutorial\tutorial_modules\tutorial_9_cohn\cohn.crt
  • TODO

Make sure to keep these credentials for use in the next section.

Communicating via COHN

Once the GoPro has provisioned for COHN, we can use the stored credentials for HTTPS communication.

For the setup of this demo, there is no pre-existing BLE or WiFi connection to the GoPro. We are only going to be using HTTPS over the provisioned home network for communication.

In order to demonstrate COHN communication we are going to Get the Camera State.

  • The code shown below is taken from communicate_via_cohn.py. The credentials logged and stored from the previous demo must be passed in as command line arguments to this script. Run python communicate_via_cohn.py --help for usage.

    We’re going to use the requests library to perform the HTTPS request. First let’s build the url using the ip_address CLI argument:

    url = f"https://{ip_address}" + "/gopro/camera/state"

    Then let’s build the basic auth token from the username and password CLI arguments:

    token = b64encode(f"{username}:{password}".encode("utf-8")).decode("ascii")

    Lastly we build and send the request using the above endpoint and token combined with the path to the certificate from the CLI certificate argument:

    response = requests.get(
        headers={"Authorization": f"Basic {token}"},
    logger.info(f"Response: {json.dumps(response.json(), indent=4)}")
  • TODO

This should result in logging the complete cameras state, truncated here for brevity:

Command sent successfully
Response: {
    "status": {
        "1": 1,
        "2": 4,
        "3": 0,
        "4": 255,
        "6": 0,
        "8": 0,
        "9": 0,
    "settings": {
        "2": 1,
        "3": 0,
        "5": 0,
        "6": 0,
        "13": 0,

See the sending Wifi commands tutorial for more information on this and other HTTP(S) functionality.

Quiz time! 📚 ✏️


See the first tutorial’s troubleshooting section to troubleshoot any BLE problems.

See the Sending Wifi Command tutorial’s troubleshooting section to troubleshoot HTTP communication.

Good Job!

Congratulations 🤙

You have now provisioned COHN and performed an HTTPS operation. In the future, you can now communicate with the GoPro over your home network without needing a direct BLE or WiFi connection.
