10 minute read

This document will provide a walk-through tutorial to perform Open GoPro HTTP Operations with the GoPro.

It is suggested that you have first completed the Connecting to Wifi tutorial.

This tutorial only considers sending these commands as one-off commands. That is, it does not consider state management / synchronization when sending multiple commands. This will be discussed in a future tutorial.

There are two types of responses that can be received from the HTTP commands: JSON and binary. This section will deal with commands that return JSON responses. For commands with binary responses (as well as commands with JSON responses that work with the media list), see the next tutorial.


It is assumed that the hardware and software requirements from the connecting BLE tutorial are present and configured correctly.

The scripts that will be used for this tutorial can be found in the Tutorial 7 Folder.

Just Show me the Demo(s)!!

  • Each of the scripts for this tutorial can be found in the Tutorial 7 directory.

    Python >= 3.9 and < 3.12 must be used as specified in the requirements
    You must be connected to the camera via WiFi as stated in Tutorial 6.

    You can test querying the state of your camera with HTTP over WiFi using the following script:

    $ python wifi_command_get_state.py

    See the help for parameter definitions:

    $ python wifi_command_get_state.py --help
    usage: wifi_command_get_state.py [-h]
    Get the state of the GoPro (status and settings).
    optional arguments:
      -h, --help  show this help message and exit

    You can test enabling the UDP preview stream with HTTP over WiFi using the following script:

    $ python wifi_command_preview_stream.py

    See the help for parameter definitions:

    $ python wifi_command_preview_stream.py --help
    usage: wifi_command_preview_stream.py [-h]
    Enable the preview stream.
    optional arguments:
      -h, --help  show this help message and exit

    Once enabled the stream can be viewed at udp://@:8554 (For more details see the View Stream tab in the Preview Stream section below.

    You can test sending the load preset group command with HTTP over WiFi using the following script:

    $ python wifi_command_load_group.py

    See the help for parameter definitions:

    $ python wifi_command_load_group.py --help
    usage: wifi_command_load_group.py [-h]
    Load the video preset group.
    optional arguments:
      -h, --help  show this help message and exit

    You can test sending the Set Shutter command with HTTP over WiFi using the following script:

    $ python wifi_command_set_shutter.py

    See the help for parameter definitions:

    $ python wifi_command_set_shutter.py --help
    usage: wifi_command_set_shutter.py [-h]
    Take a 3 second video.
    optional arguments:
      -h, --help  show this help message and exit

    You can test setting the resolution setting with HTTP over WiFi using the following script:

    $ python wifi_command_set_resolution.py

    See the help for parameter definitions:

    $ python wifi_command_set_resolution.py --help
    usage: wifi_command_set_resolution.py [-h]
    Set the video resolution to 1080.
    optional arguments:
      -h, --help  show this help message and exit
  • The Kotlin file for this tutorial can be found on Github.

    To perform the tutorial, run the Android Studio project, select “Tutorial 7” from the dropdown and click on “Perform.” This requires:

    • a GoPro is already connected via BLE, i.e. that Tutorial 1 was already run.
    • a GoPro is already connected via Wifi, i.e. that Tutorial 5 was already run.

    You can check the BLE and Wifi statuses at the top of the app.

    Perform Tutorial 7

    This will start the tutorial and log to the screen as it executes. When the tutorial is complete, click “Exit Tutorial” to return to the Tutorial selection screen.


We must first connect to The GoPro’s WiFi Access Point (AP) as was discussed in the Connecting to Wifi tutorial.

Sending HTTP Commands with JSON Responses

Now that we are are connected via WiFi, we can communicate via HTTP commands.

  • We will use the requests package to send the various HTTP commands.

    We are building the endpoints using the GOPRO_BASE_URL defined in the tutorial package’s __init__.py
  • We are using ktor for the HTTP client. We are using an abstracted get function from our Wifi class to send get requests as such:

    private val client by lazy {
        HttpClient(CIO) {
    suspend fun get(endpoint: String, timeoutMs: Long = 5000L): JsonObject {
        Timber.d("GET request to: $endpoint")
        val response = client.request(endpoint) {
            timeout {
                requestTimeoutMillis = timeoutMs
        val bodyAsString: String = response.body()
        return prettyJson.parseToJsonElement(bodyAsString).jsonObject

Both Command Requests and Setting Requests follow the same procedure:

  1. Send HTTP GET command to appropriate endpoint
  2. Receive confirmation from GoPro (via HTTP response) that request was received.
  3. GoPro reacts to command
The HTTP response only indicates that the request was received correctly. The relevant behavior of the GoPro must be observed to verify when the command’s effects have been applied.
GoProOpen GoPro user deviceGoProOpen GoPro user device PC connected to WiFi APCommand Request (GET)Command Response (HTTP 200 OK)Apply affects of command when able

Get Camera State

The first command we will be sending is Get Camera State. This command will return all of the current settings and values. It is basically a combination of the Get All Settings and Get All Statuses commands that were sent via BLE. Since there is no way to query individual settings / statuses via WiFi (or register for asynchronous notifications when they change), this is the only option to query setting / status information via WiFi.

The command writes to the following endpoint:


Let’s build the endpoint then perform the GET operation and check the response for errors. Any errors will raise an exception.

  • url = GOPRO_BASE_URL + "/gopro/camera/state"
    response = requests.get(url)
  • var response = wifi.get(GOPRO_BASE_URL + "gopro/camera/state")

Lastly, we print the response’s JSON data:

  • logger.info(f"Response: {json.dumps(response.json(), indent=4)}")

    The response will log as such (abbreviated for brevity):

    INFO:root:Getting GoPro's status and settings: sending
    INFO:root:Command sent successfully
    INFO:root:Response: {
        "status": {
            "1": 1,
            "2": 2,
            "3": 0,
            "4": 255,
            "6": 0,
            "8": 0,
            "9": 0,
            "10": 0,
            "11": 0,
            "13": 0,
            "14": 0,
            "17": 1,
      "settings": {
          "2": 9,
          "3": 1,
          "5": 0,
          "6": 1,
          "13": 1,
          "19": 0,
          "24": 0,
          "30": 0,
          "31": 0,
          "32": 10,
          "41": 9,
          "42": 5,
  • Timber.i(prettyJson.encodeToString(response))

    The response will log as such (abbreviated for brevity):

    Getting camera state
    GET request to:
        "status": {
            "1": 1,
            "2": 4,
            "3": 0,
            "4": 255,
            "6": 0,
            "8": 0,
            "9": 0,
            "10": 0,
            "11": 0,
            "13": 0,
            "113": 0,
            "114": 0,
            "115": 0,
            "116": 0,
            "117": 31154688
        "settings": {
            "2": 9,
            "3": 1,
            "5": 0,
            "6": 1,
            "13": 1,
            "177": 0,
            "178": 1,
            "179": 3,
            "180": 0,
            "181": 0

We can see what each of these values mean by looking at relevant documentation in the settings or status object of the State schema.

For example (for settings):

  • ID 2 == 9 equates to Resolution == 1080
  • ID 3 == 1 equates to FPS == 120

Load Preset Group

The next command we will be sending is Load Preset Group, which is used to toggle between the 3 groups of presets (video, photo, and timelapse). The preset groups ID’s are:

Command Bytes
Load Video Preset Group 1000
Load Photo Preset Group 1001
Load Timelapse Preset Group 1002
  • url = GOPRO_BASE_URL + "/gopro/camera/presets/set_group?id=1000"
    response = requests.get(url)
  • response = wifi.get(GOPRO_BASE_URL + "gopro/camera/presets/load?id=1000")

Lastly, we print the response’s JSON data:

  • logger.info(f"Response: {json.dumps(response.json(), indent=4)}")

    This will log as such:

    INFO:root:Loading the video preset group: sending
    INFO:root:Command sent successfully
    INFO:root:Response: {}
  • Timber.i(prettyJson.encodeToString(response))

    The response will log as such:

    Loading Video Preset Group
    GET request to:

Lastly, we print the response’s JSON data:

The response JSON is empty. This is expected in the case of a success.

You should hear the camera beep and switch to the Cinematic Preset (assuming it wasn’t already set). You can verify this by seeing the preset name in the pill at bottom middle of the screen.

Load Preset
Load Preset

Set Shutter

The next command we will be sending is Set Shutter. which is used to start and stop encoding.

  • url = GOPRO_BASE_URL + f"/gopro/camera/shutter/start"
    response = requests.get(url)
  • response = wifi.get(GOPRO_BASE_URL + "gopro/camera/shutter/start")

Lastly, we print the response’s JSON data:

This command does not return a JSON response so we don’t print the response

This will log as such:

  • INFO:root:Turning the shutter on: sending
    INFO:root:Command sent successfully
  • Timber.i(prettyJson.encodeToString(response))

    The response will log as such:

    Setting Shutter On
    GET request to:

We can then wait a few seconds and repeat the above procedure to set the shutter off using gopro/camera/shutter/stop.

The shutter can not be set on if the camera is encoding or set off if the camera is not encoding. An attempt to do so will result in an error response.

Set Setting

The next command will be sending is Set Setting. This end point is used to update all of the settings on the camera. It is analogous to BLE commands like Set Video Resolution.

It is important to note that many settings are dependent on the video resolution (and other settings). For example, certain FPS values are not valid with certain resolutions. In general, higher resolutions only allow lower FPS values. Check the camera capabilities to see which settings are valid for given use cases.

Let’s build the endpoint first to set the Video Resolution to 1080 (the setting_id and option value comes from the command table linked above).

  • url = GOPRO_BASE_URL + f"/gopro/camera/setting?setting=2&option=9"
    response = requests.get(url)
  • response = wifi.get(GOPRO_BASE_URL + "gopro/camera/setting?setting=2&option=9")

Lastly, we print the response’s JSON data:

  • logger.info(f"Response: {json.dumps(response.json(), indent=4)}")

    This will log as such:

    INFO:root:Setting the video resolution to 1080: sending
    INFO:root:Command sent successfully
    INFO:root:Response: {}
  • Timber.i(prettyJson.encodeToString(response))

    The response will log as such:

    Setting Resolution to 1080
    GET request to:
The response JSON is empty. This is expected in the case of a success.

You should hear the camera beep and see the video resolution change to 1080 in the pill in the bottom-middle of the screen:

Video Resolution
Video Resolution

As a reader exercise, try using the Get Camera State command to verify that the resolution has changed.

Preview Stream

The next command we will be sending is Start Preview Stream. This command will enable (or disable) the preview stream . It is then possible to view the preview stream from a media player.

The commands write to the following endpoints:

Command Endpoint
start preview stream /gopro/camera/stream/start
stop preview stream /gopro/camera/stream/stop

Let’s build the endpoint then send the GET request and check the response for errors. Any errors will raise an exception.

  • url = GOPRO_BASE_URL + "/gopro/camera/stream/start"
    response = requests.get(url)
  • TODO

Lastly, we print the response’s JSON data:

  • logger.info(f"Response: {json.dumps(response.json(), indent=4)}")

    This will log as such:

    INFO:root:Starting the preview stream: sending
    INFO:root:Command sent successfully
    INFO:root:Response: {}
  • TODO

The response JSON is empty. This is expected in the case of a success.

Once enabled, the stream can be viewed at udp://@:8554.

Here is an example of viewing this using VLC:

The screen may slightly vary depending on your OS
  1. Select Media–>Open Network Stream
  2. Enter the path as such:
Preview Stream
Configure Preview Stream
  1. Select play
  2. The preview stream should now be visible.

Quiz time! 📚 ✏️

What is the significance of empty JSON in an HTTP response?

Which of the of the following is not a real preset group?

How do you query the current video resolution setting (id = 2) via WiFi?


HTTP Logging

Wireshark can be used to view the HTTP commands and responses between the PC and the GoPro.

  1. Start a Wireshark capture on the WiFi adapter that is used to connect to the GoPro
  2. Filter for the GoPro IP address (

Good Job!

Congratulations 🤙

You can now send any of the HTTP commands defined in the Open GoPro Interface that return JSON responses. You may have noted that we did not discuss one of these (Get Media List) in this tutorial. Proceed to the next tutorial to see how to get and perform operations using the media list.
