15 minute read

This document will provide a walk-through tutorial to implement the Open GoPro Interface to parse BLE Type-Length-Value (TLV) Responses.

Besides TLV, some BLE operations instead return protobuf responses. These are not considered here and will be discussed in a future tutorial

This tutorial will provide an overview of how to handle responses of both single and multiple packets lengths, then give parsing examples for each case, and finally create Response and TlvResponse classes that will be reused in future tutorials.


It is assumed that the hardware and software requirements from the connecting BLE tutorial are present and configured correctly.

It is suggested that you have first completed the connect and sending commands tutorials before going through this tutorial.

Just Show me the Demo(s)!!

  • Each of the scripts for this tutorial can be found in the Tutorial 3 directory.

    Python >= 3.9 and < 3.12 must be used as specified in the requirements

    You can test parsing a one packet TLV response with your camera through BLE using the following script:

    $ python ble_command_get_version.py

    See the help for parameter definitions:

    $ python ble_command_get_version.py --help
    usage: ble_command_get_version.py [-h] [-i IDENTIFIER]
    Connect to a GoPro camera via BLE, then get the Open GoPro version.
    optional arguments:
      -h, --help            show this help message and exit
      -i IDENTIFIER, --identifier IDENTIFIER
                            Last 4 digits of GoPro serial number, which is the last 4 digits of the
                            default camera SSID. If not used, first discovered GoPro will be connected to

    You can test parsing multiple packet TVL responses with your camera through BLE using the following script:

    $ python ble_command_get_hardware_info.py

    See the help for parameter definitions:

    $ python ble_command_get_hardware_info.py --help
    usage: ble_command_get_hardware_info.py [-h] [-i IDENTIFIER]
    Connect to a GoPro camera via BLE, then get its hardware info.
      -h, --help            show this help message and exit
      -i IDENTIFIER, --identifier IDENTIFIER
                            Last 4 digits of GoPro serial number, which is the last 4 digits of
                            the default camera SSID. If not used, first discovered GoPro will be
                            connected to
  • The Kotlin file for this tutorial can be found on Github.

    To perform the tutorial, run the Android Studio project, select “Tutorial 3” from the dropdown and click on “Perform.” This requires that a GoPro is already connected via BLE, i.e. that Tutorial 1 was already run. You can check the BLE status at the top of the app.

    Perform Tutorial 3

    This will start the tutorial and log to the screen as it executes. When the tutorial is complete, click “Exit Tutorial” to return to the Tutorial selection screen.


We must first connect as was discussed in the connecting BLE tutorial. When enabling notifications, one of the notification handlers described in the following sections will be used.

Response Overview

In the preceding tutorials, we have been using a very simple response handling procedure where the notification handler simply checks that the UUID is the expected UUID and that the status byte of the response is 0 (Success). This has been fine since we were only performing specific operations where this works and we know that the sequence always appears as such (connection sequence left out for brevity):

GoProOpen GoPro user deviceGoProOpen GoPro user device devices are connected as in Tutorial 1Write to characteristicNotification Response (MSB == 0 (start))

In actuality, responses can be more complicated. As described in the BLE Spec, responses can be be comprised of multiple packets where each packet is <= 20 bytes such as:

GoProOpen GoPro user deviceGoProOpen GoPro user device devices are connected as in Tutorial 1Write to characteristicNotification Response (MSB == 0 (start))Notification Response (MSB == 1 (continuation))Notification Response (MSB == 1 (continuation))Notification Response (MSB == 1 (continuation))

This requires the implementation of accumulating and parsing algorithms which will be described below.

Parsing a One Packet TLV Response

This section will describe how to parse one packet (<= 20 byte) responses. A one-packet response is formatted as such:

Header (length) Operation ID Status Response
1 byte 1 byte 1 bytes Length - 2 bytes

Responses with Payload Length 0

These are the only responses that we have seen thus far through the first 2 tutorials. They return a status but have a 0 length additional response. For example, consider Set Shutter. It returned a response of:


This equates to:

Header (length) Command ID Status Response
1 byte 1 byte 1 bytes Length - 2 bytes
0x02 0x01 == Set Shutter 0x00 == Success (2 -2 = 0 bytes)

We can see how this response includes the status but no additional response data. This type of response will be used for most Commands and Setting Responses as seen in the previous tutorial.

Responses with Payload

However, there are some operations that do return additional response data. These are identified by the presence of parameters in their Response documentation as shown in the red box here:

complex response example
Response With Payload

In this tutorial, we will walk through creating a simple parser to parse the Open GoPro Get Version Command which is an example of such an operation.

It is important to always query the version after connecting in order to know which API is supported. See the relevant version of the BLE and / or WiFi spec for more details about each version.

First, we send the Get Version Command to the Command Request UUID in the same manner as commands were sent in the previous tutorial:

  • request_uuid = GoProUuid.COMMAND_REQ_UUID
    request = bytes([0x01, 0x51])
    await client.write_gatt_char(request_uuid.value, request, response=True)
    await event.wait()  # Wait to receive the notification response

    We receive a response at the expected handle (as a TLV Response). This is logged as:

    Getting the Open GoPro version...
    Writing to GoProUuid.COMMAND_REQ_UUID: 01:51
    Received response GoProUuid.COMMAND_RSP_UUID: 06:51:00:01:02:01:00
  • val versionRequest = ubyteArrayOf(0x01U, 0x51U)
    ble.writeCharacteristic(goproAddress, GoProUUID.CQ_COMMAND.uuid, versionRequest)
    var tlvResponse = receivedResponses.receive() as Response.Tlv

    We then receive a response at the expected handle. This is logged as:

    This is logged as such:

    Getting the Open GoPro version
    Writing characteristic b5f90072-aa8d-11e3-9046-0002a5d5c51b ==> 01:51
    Wrote characteristic b5f90072-aa8d-11e3-9046-0002a5d5c51b
    Characteristic b5f90073-aa8d-11e3-9046-0002a5d5c51b changed | value: 06:51:00:01:02:01:00
    Received response on CQ_COMMAND_RSP
    Received packet of length 6. 0 bytes remaining

This response equates to:

Header (length) Command ID Status Response
1 byte 1 byte 1 bytes Length - 2 bytes
0x06 0x51 == Get Version 0x00 == Success 0x01 0x02 0x01 0x00

We can see that this response payload contains 4 additional bytes that need to be parsed. Using the information from the Get Version Documentation, we know to parse this as:

Byte Meaning
0x01 Length of Major Version Number
0x02 Major Version Number of length 1 byte
0x01 Length of Minor Version Number
0x00 Minor Version Number of length 1 byte

We implement this as follows. First, we parse the length, command ID, and status from the first 3 bytes of the response. The remainder is stored as the payload. This is all of the common parsing across TLV Responses. Each individual response will document how to further parse the payload.

  • The snippets of code included in this section are taken from the notification handler
    # First byte is the length of this response.
    length = data[0]
    # Second byte is the ID
    command_id = data[1]
    # Third byte is the status
    status = data[2]
    # The remainder is the payload
    payload = data[3 : length + 1]
  • The snippets of code included in this section are taken from the Response.Tlv.Parse method
    // Parse header bytes
    open fun parse() {
        id = rawBytes[0].toInt()
        status = rawBytes[1].toInt()
        // Store remainder as payload
        payload = rawBytes.drop(2).toUByteArray()

From the response definition, we know these parameters are one byte each and equate to the major and the minor version so let’s print them (and all of the other response information) as such:

  • major_length = payload[0]
    major = payload[:major_length]
    minor_length = payload[0]
    minor = payload[:minor_length]
    logger.info(f"The version is Open GoPro {major[0]}.{minor[0]}")
    logger.info(f"Received a response to {command_id=} with {status=}: version={major[0]}.{minor[0]}")

    which shows on the log as:

    Received a response to command_id=81 with status=0, payload=01:02:01:00
    The version is Open GoPro 2.0
  • The snippets of code included in this section are taken from the OpenGoProVersion from_bytes method. This class is a simple data class to contain the Get Version information.
    var buf = data.toUByteArray()
    val minorLen = buf[0].toInt()
    buf = buf.drop(1).toUByteArray()
    val minor = buf.take(minorLen).toInt()
    val majorLen = buf[0].toInt()
    buf = buf.drop(1).toUByteArray()
    val major = buf.take(majorLen).toInt()
    return OpenGoProVersion(minor, major)

    which shows on the log as such:

    Received response: ID: 81, Status: 0, Payload: 01:02:01:00
    Got the Open GoPro version successfully: 2.0

Quiz time! 📚 ✏️

What is the maximum size of an individual notification response packet at the Open GoPro application layer?

What is the maximum amount of bytes that one response can be composed of?

How many packets are command responses composed of?

How many packets are setting responses comprised of?

Parsing Multiple Packet TLV Responses

This section will describe parsing TLV responses that contain more than one packet. It will first describe how to accumulate such responses and then provide a parsing example. We will be creating small Response and TlvResponse classes that will be re-used for future tutorials.

Accumulating the Response

The first step is to accumulate the multiple packets into one response. Whereas for all tutorials until now, we have just used the header bytes of the response as the length, we now must completely parse the headers as they are defined, reproduced for reference here:

Byte 1 Byte 2 (optional) Byte 3 (optional)
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
0: Start 00: General Message Length: 5 bits
0: Start 01: Extended (13-bit) Message Length: 13 bits
0: Start 10: Extended (16-bit) Message Length: 16 bits
0: Start 11: Reserved
1: Continuation

The basic accumulation algorithm (which is implemented in the Response.Accumulate method) is as follows:

Is the continuation bit set?

  • The example script that will be walked through for this section is ble_command_get_hardware_info.py.
    if buf[0] & CONT_MASK:
  • if (data.first().and(Mask.Continuation.value) == Mask.Continuation.value) {
        buf = buf.drop(1).toUByteArray() // Pop the header byte
    } else { // This is a new packet

No, the continuation bit was not set. Therefore create new response, then get its length.

  • # This is a new packet so start with an empty byte array
    self.bytes = bytearray()
    hdr = Header((buf[0] & HDR_MASK) >> 5)
    if hdr is Header.GENERAL:
        self.bytes_remaining = buf[0] & GEN_LEN_MASK
        buf = buf[1:]
    elif hdr is Header.EXT_13:
        self.bytes_remaining = ((buf[0] & EXT_13_BYTE0_MASK) << 8) + buf[1]
        buf = buf[2:]
    elif hdr is Header.EXT_16:
        self.bytes_remaining = (buf[1] << 8) + buf[2]
        buf = buf[3:]
  • // This is a new packet so start with empty array
    packet = ubyteArrayOf()
    when (Header.fromValue((buf.first() and Mask.Header.value).toInt() shr 5)) {
        Header.GENERAL -> {
            bytesRemaining = buf[0].and(Mask.GenLength.value).toInt()
            buf = buf.drop(1).toUByteArray()
        Header.EXT_13 -> {
            bytesRemaining = ((buf[0].and(Mask.Ext13Byte0.value)
                .toLong() shl 8) or buf[1].toLong()).toInt()
            buf = buf.drop(2).toUByteArray()
        Header.EXT_16 -> {
            bytesRemaining = ((buf[1].toLong() shl 8) or buf[2].toLong()).toInt()
            buf = buf.drop(3).toUByteArray()
        Header.RESERVED -> {
            throw Exception("Unexpected RESERVED header")

Append current packet to response and decrement bytes remaining.

  • # Append payload to buffer and update remaining / complete
    self.bytes_remaining -= len(buf)
  • // Accumulate the payload now that headers are handled and dropped
    packet += buf
    bytesRemaining -= buf.size

In the notification handler, we are then enqueueing the received response if there are no bytes remaining.

  •     if response.is_received:
            await received_responses.put(response)

    and finally parsing the payload back in the main task after it receives the accumulated response from the queue which, at the current TLV Response level, is just extracting the ID, status, and payload:

    class TlvResponse(Response):
        def parse(self) -> None:
            self.id = self.raw_bytes[0]
            self.status = self.raw_bytes[1]
            self.payload = self.raw_bytes[2:]
    response = await received_responses.get()
  • if (response.isReceived) {
        if (uuid == GoProUUID.CQ_COMMAND_RSP) {
            CoroutineScope(Dispatchers.IO).launch { receivedResponses.send(response) }

Decrement bytes remaining
Read Available Packet
Continuation bit set?
Create new empty response
Get bytes remaining, i.e. length
Append packet to accumulating response
Bytes remaining == 0?
Parse Received Packet

We can see this in action when we send the Get Hardware Info Command:

  • request_uuid = GoProUuid.COMMAND_REQ_UUID
    request = bytearray([0x01, 0x3C])
    await client.write_gatt_char(request_uuid.value, request, response=True)
    response = await received_responses.get()
  • val hardwareInfoRequest = ubyteArrayOf(0x01U, 0x3CU)
    ble.writeCharacteristic(goproAddress, GoProUUID.CQ_COMMAND.uuid, hardwareInfoRequest)

Then, in the notification handler, we continuously receive and accumulate packets (per UUID) until we have received an entire response, at which point we perform common TLV parsing (via the TlvResponse’s parse method) to extract Command ID, Status, and payload. Then we enqueue the received response to notify the writer that the response is ready. Finally we reset the per-UUID response to prepare it to receive a new response.

This notification handler is only designed to handle TlvResponses. This is fine for this tutorial since that is all we will be receiving.
  • request_uuid = GoProUuid.COMMAND_REQ_UUID
    response_uuid = GoProUuid.COMMAND_RSP_UUID
    responses_by_uuid = GoProUuid.dict_by_uuid(TlvResponse)
    received_responses: asyncio.Queue[TlvResponse] = asyncio.Queue()
    async def tlv_notification_handler(characteristic: BleakGATTCharacteristic, data: bytearray) -> None:
        uuid = GoProUuid(client.services.characteristics[characteristic.handle].uuid)
        response = responses_by_uuid[uuid]
        if response.is_received:
            # If this is the correct handle, enqueue it for processing
            if uuid is response_uuid:
                logger.info("Received the get hardware info response")
                await received_responses.put(response)
            # Anything else is unexpected. This shouldn't happen
                logger.error("Unexpected response")
            # Reset the per-UUID response
            responses_by_uuid[uuid] = TlvResponse(uuid)
  • private fun notificationHandler(characteristic: UUID, data: UByteArray) {
        responsesByUuid[uuid]?.let { response ->
            if (response.isReceived) {
                if (uuid == GoProUUID.CQ_COMMAND_RSP) {
                    CoroutineScope(Dispatchers.IO).launch { receivedResponses.send(response) }
                responsesByUuid[uuid] = Response.muxByUuid(uuid)

We can see the individual packets being accumulated in the log:

  • Getting the camera's hardware info...
    Writing to GoProUuid.COMMAND_REQ_UUID: 01:3c
    Received response at handle 47: 20:62:3c:00:04:00:00:00:3e:0c:48:45:52:4f:31:32:20:42:6c:61
    Received response at handle 47: 80:63:6b:04:30:78:30:35:0f:48:32:33:2e:30:31:2e:30:31:2e:39
    Received response at handle 47: 81:39:2e:35:36:0e:43:33:35:30:31:33:32:34:35:30:30:37:30:32
    Received response at handle 47: 82:11:48:45:52:4f:31:32:20:42:6c:61:63:6b:64:65:62:75:67:0c
    Received response at handle 47: 83:32:36:37:34:66:37:66:36:36:31:30:34:01:00:01:01:01:00:02
    Received response at handle 47: 84:5b:5d:01:01
    Received the get hardware info response
  • Getting the Hardware Info
    Writing characteristic b5f90072-aa8d-11e3-9046-0002a5d5c51b ==> 01:3C
    Characteristic b5f90073-aa8d-11e3-9046-0002a5d5c51b changed | value: 20:5B:3C:00:04:00:00:00:3E:0C:48:45:52:4F:31:32:20:42:6C:61
    Received response on CQ_COMMAND_RSP
    Received packet of length 18. 73 bytes remaining
    Characteristic b5f90073-aa8d-11e3-9046-0002a5d5c51b changed | value: 80:63:6B:04:30:78:30:35:0F:48:32:33:2E:30:31:2E:30:31:2E:39
    Received response on CQ_COMMAND_RSP
    Received packet of length 19. 54 bytes remaining
    Wrote characteristic b5f90072-aa8d-11e3-9046-0002a5d5c51b
    Characteristic b5f90073-aa8d-11e3-9046-0002a5d5c51b changed | value: 81:39:2E:35:36:0E:43:33:35:30:31:33:32:34:35:30:30:37:30:32
    Received response on CQ_COMMAND_RSP
    Received packet of length 19. 35 bytes remaining
    Characteristic b5f90073-aa8d-11e3-9046-0002a5d5c51b changed | value: 82:0A:47:50:32:34:35:30:30:37:30:32:0C:32:36:37:34:66:37:66
    Received response on CQ_COMMAND_RSP
    Received packet of length 19. 16 bytes remaining
    Characteristic b5f90073-aa8d-11e3-9046-0002a5d5c51b changed | value: 83:36:36:31:30:34:01:00:01:01:01:00:02:5B:5D:01:01
    Received response on CQ_COMMAND_RSP
    Received packet of length 16. 0 bytes remaining

At this point the response has been accumulated. We then parse and log the payload using the Get Hardware Info response documentation:

  • hardware_info = HardwareInfo.from_bytes(response.payload)
    logger.info(f"Received hardware info: {hardware_info}")

    where the parsing is done as such:

        def from_bytes(cls, data: bytes) -> HardwareInfo:
            buf = bytearray(data)
            # Get model number
            model_num_length = buf.pop(0)
            model = int.from_bytes(buf[:model_num_length])
            buf = buf[model_num_length:]
            # Get model name
            model_name_length = buf.pop(0)
            model_name = (buf[:model_name_length]).decode()
            buf = buf[model_name_length:]
            # Advance past deprecated bytes
            deprecated_length = buf.pop(0)
            buf = buf[deprecated_length:]
            # Get firmware version
            firmware_length = buf.pop(0)
            firmware = (buf[:firmware_length]).decode()
            buf = buf[firmware_length:]
            # Get serial number
            serial_length = buf.pop(0)
            serial = (buf[:serial_length]).decode()
            buf = buf[serial_length:]
            # Get AP SSID
            ssid_length = buf.pop(0)
            ssid = (buf[:ssid_length]).decode()
            buf = buf[ssid_length:]
            # Get MAC address
            mac_length = buf.pop(0)
            mac = (buf[:mac_length]).decode()
            buf = buf[mac_length:]
            return cls(model, model_name, firmware, serial, ssid, mac)

    This logs as:

    Parsed hardware info: {
            "model_name": "HERO12 Black",
            "firmware_version": "H23.",
            "serial_number": "C3501324500702",
            "ap_ssid": "HERO12 Blackdebug",
            "ap_mac_address": "2674f7f66104"
  • tlvResponse.parse()
    val hardwareInfo = HardwareInfo.fromBytes(tlvResponse.payload)

    where the parsing is done as such:

    fun fromBytes(data: UByteArray): HardwareInfo {
        // Parse header bytes
        var buf = data.toUByteArray()
        // Get model number
        val modelNumLength = buf.first().toInt()
        buf = buf.drop(1).toUByteArray()
        val model = buf.take(modelNumLength).toInt()
        buf = buf.drop(modelNumLength).toUByteArray()
        // Get model name
        val modelNameLength = buf.first().toInt()
        buf = buf.drop(1).toUByteArray()
        val modelName = buf.take(modelNameLength).decodeToString()
        buf = buf.drop(modelNameLength).toUByteArray()
        // Advance past deprecated bytes
        val deprecatedLength = buf.first().toInt()
        buf = buf.drop(1).toUByteArray()
        buf = buf.drop(deprecatedLength).toUByteArray()
        // Get firmware version
        val firmwareLength = buf.first().toInt()
        buf = buf.drop(1).toUByteArray()
        val firmware = buf.take(firmwareLength).decodeToString()
        buf = buf.drop(firmwareLength).toUByteArray()
        // Get serial number
        val serialLength = buf.first().toInt()
        buf = buf.drop(1).toUByteArray()
        val serial = buf.take(serialLength).decodeToString()
        buf = buf.drop(serialLength).toUByteArray()
        // Get AP SSID
        val ssidLength = buf.first().toInt()
        buf = buf.drop(1).toUByteArray()
        val ssid = buf.take(ssidLength).decodeToString()
        buf = buf.drop(ssidLength).toUByteArray()
        // Get MAC Address
        val macLength = buf.first().toInt()
        buf = buf.drop(1).toUByteArray()
        val mac = buf.take(macLength).decodeToString()
        return HardwareInfo(model, modelName, firmware, serial, ssid, mac)

    This logs as:

    Got the Hardware Info successfully: HardwareInfo(
        modelName=HERO12 Black,

Quiz time! 📚 ✏️

How can we know that a response has been completely received?


See the first tutorial’s troubleshooting section.

Good Job!

Congratulations 🤙

You now know how to accumulate TLV responses that are received from the GoPro, at least if they are received uninterrupted. There is additional logic required for a complete solution such as checking the UUID the response is received on and storing a dict of response per UUID. At the current time, this endeavor is left for the reader. For a complete example of this, see the Open GoPro Python SDK.

To learn about a different type of operation (Queries), go to the next tutorial.
